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What To Do When You Feel Lost

Leslie Bowman

Has there been a time in your life when you were unsure about the relationship you were in? Or not sure which job or career path to take? Or unsure about your life purpose? Maybe you did not know what was going in your life and felt like everything was falling apart?

What do we do when all seems lost in life? We fight it. We hate this feeling and do whatever we can to feel better. We are wired to avoid pain and move towards pleasure, so we develop coping mechanisms to feel better. But those coping mechanisms do not always work. Why? Because we are fighting for control and sometimes this is out of our hands.

When we are lost, this is a transformative moment. Life is teaching you something, but it's easy to lose faith, be paralyzed, lose trust and stay in fear and anxiety. Our minds want to know everything; it's addicted to the need to know. This creates the urge for us to do whatever we can to get this information. We look for answers, we talk to everyone, we ask questions, we google it...and it can temporarily make us feel better, but ultimately we go back to feeling fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and discomfort.

When you feel lost, this is a sign that one or more of your values and needs are not being met and/or life's circumstances are no longer in alignment with who you are. It's scary because you are in the unknown, but this is the time to sit in stillness and allow the moment to exist. Trust that this uncertainty is happening for you.

It's important to remember that you are here for a reason. You have survived past hardships, you’ve made it through hard times and you are here. Give yourself credit. I encourage you to connect with yourself, go within and be present. Listen to what life is teaching you in this life-changing uncomfortable moment. Maybe you are holding onto a relationship that isn't working or a job that isn’t aligning with your purpose. Maybe your life seems like it's falling apart when it's really coming together. Maybe whatever you want did not work out because you deserve better. Maybe a behavioral pattern or event keeps showing up in your life to teach you something.

I share the '5 senses' practice a lot with my clients. It's a quick way to be in the present moment. This gives you an opportunity to embrace what is happening in your life now, not what will happen in the future, or what happened in the past, but now, this very moment. I will share this easy technique below:

Right now, ask yourself these questions and answer it internally...what do you see right now? what do you hear right now? what do you feel right now? what do you smell right now? what do you taste right now?

You are in the present moment when you answer those questions. How does it feel?

Being present grows your emotional strength. Each time you practice being present, sitting with your emotions, feeling fear, frustration, anxiety, are mastering your emotions and your mind.

I want you to surrender and let go when you feel lost. When you do this, you open up to more possibilities and create more space for the next level of relationship, career, or dreams to make its way into your life. Eventually you will pass through the uncomfortable moment and no longer feel lost because answers will start coming to you. What is meant for us will flow our way. This is how life works.

I hope you found this helpful today. Reach out if you would like more guidance or support.

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